iPhone 6 Review- Bending The Truth?

So as promised here is my review of the iPhone 6. After much deliberation, I bit the bullet and paid off my contract and upgraded to the new iPhone 6. After a bit off messing about and racing home to catch the Post Office for my delivery, I got my shiny new phone, and straight away I was worried.

Going from the 4s to the 6 was a huge jump in size, but after a couple of days i got used to, especially when i got used to using reachability. The obvious other concern was the BENDING, and frankly I call rubbish on that. Especially on the normal 6. The phone feels perfectly solid, and well built all round, so if yours has bent, its something you’re doing. Either attempting to bend it (most things bend if you do that, seriously I could bend my tv if i tried to) or your jeans are just way too tight. Don’t be worried by bending, as i think it’s just been blown out of proportion. Anyhow, heres the top 3 things ive been using/ found useful on the 6!

  1. The fingerprint recognition. After a worrying start (I left the protective cover on), and a bit of setting up, the scanner is by far a very neat feature of the 6, (and probably the 5s too). Not only does it make unlocking the phone extremely easy, it aslo makes remembering all your passwords that little bit easier too. It will be interesting to see how it gets on with applepay this week.
  2. The better processor, better games and bigger screen. All three together just makeusing the phone for this sort of thing much more…beautiful. Im not a big gamer and normally don’t get too impressed by things like this, but when you have it, its just so, well, nice.
  3. Lastly, and probably the biggest thing I’ve used is Health. This app is very well put together and works a treat. Although ive not used it with external apps yet, ive been told they were brilliantly too. The main thing I use it for is to see how far I’ve walked in steps and KM, and then use that as an excuse to be lazy at home if ive had a busy day 🙂 but that’s just me.

Altogether, the phone is solid and although the battery life still leaves a lot to be desired, it is a lot better than the past. Again, apple have produced a nice solid phone, with new gadgets and hopefully they will excel with the apple watch next year!

If you want to know anything else, drop me a message or a tweet!

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